Guidelines   Is this scholarship?BackgroundHeadlines Introduction Headlines

The headlines below can give you only an overall impression of the outreach of our debate. They are of course shocking, but every single line is the result of detailed analysis and years of research. Some of the discoveries could be presented as follows:

These headlines may offer an idea about the central subject of our debate, namely the Ancient History, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. We focus mainly on the civilisations in the European-Mediterranean space, which includes the Arab world, but are not at all opposed to do research in other parts of the world. Of course, all fields a touched: archaeology, literature, architecture, numismatics, history of the religions, philology, astronomy... and even the evolution of humankind and astrophysics.

Here arises a question : Are we just talking about personal beliefs or can this far-reaching debate be conducted with scholarly practices? The answer is yes - this is a strictly scholarly debate and scholarly methods must apply at every stage.
